
4 Tips For Getting Workers' Compensation


Being injured and not able to work can be a real challenge. Medical bills and monthly bills are sure to be at the foremost of your mind if you've suffered a significant injury. The best way to financially recover from a serious accident at work is by receiving workers' compensation for your losses. By knowing specific tips to help you do so, you will have a greater chance of success.  

25 November 2015

3 Tips For A Successful Depostion


One of the most nerve-wracking times if you're involved in civil litigation is the deposition. This will be typically be completed during the discovery stage and will require you to meet with your opponent's attorney to answer a variety of questions. It's important to be prepared for this meeting because it may have a strong impact on deciding your case. By knowing specific tips to help you succeed at your deposition, these can be extremely helpful in this situation.

12 November 2015

Compensatory Vs. Punitive Damages When Determining A Personal Injury Lawsuit


Injuries from a car accident that are caused by a negligent driver fall into two categories--compensatory and punitive damages. Proving both types of damages occurred takes time, careful perusal of your medical records, and good record keeping. When it comes to determining what your medical bills are, and what your damages are because of a loss of income, those numbers are easy to prove. When figuring out damages from pain and suffering, loss of function and future income, this becomes more complicated.

30 October 2015

Three Valuable Questions To Ask When You're Looking To Hire A Medical Malpractice Lawyer


When you believe that you've been a victim of medical malpractice and you wish to resolve the matter in court, your first priority is finding a lawyer who specializes in this form of law. It's useful to research a few firms in your area that have experience in medical malpractice suits. Even though time is of the essence, you'll find it useful to meet with the firms and ask a series of questions that can help you decide which firm will best represent you.

20 October 2015

Why You Will Want To Hire An Accident Attorney


If you have recently been involved in an auto accident that was no fault of your own, but left you injured, you may want to consider contacting an accident attorney. Even if the other driver has an insurance policy, you might still need a little bit of legal help. Take a few moments to review the following benefits that will come from hiring an attorney to represent you during this time.

8 October 2015

3 Frightening Facts About Truck Drivers And Big Truck Accidents


You may share the highway with them daily, but as a driver, it is highly unlikely that you recognize the true dangers of traveling right alongside vehicles that could easily squash your car or truck in an accident. Traveling around semi trucks should definitely bring about a new level of safety awareness and alertness, but until you know the true dangers, you may not completely understand. 1. Outcomes of Semi-Truck Accidents Can Be Fatal - On average, there are around 400,000 accidents involving a big truck every year in the United States alone, and at least 5,000 of these accidents are usually fatal.

29 September 2015

Late-Onset Injury Signs To Watch For After An Accident


If you've never experienced a car accident before, you may find that the whole experience can be a bit traumatic. No matter how minor the incident may seem, the force of the accident can cause injuries that may not be immediately apparent. Here's a look at what can cause some delayed injuries and what you should be watching for after an accident. Causes of Delayed Auto Accident Injuries Your body responds to the physical stress of an auto accident by releasing both endorphins and adrenaline.

12 September 2015

Motorcycle Part Recalls: Understanding The Process And How It Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case


Many motorcycle accidents occur because of a defective part. These kinds of situations often fall under product liability law. Yes, you can sue a manufacturer or distributor for damages if they issued a defective part. But what happens if there was already a safety recall issued for that part long before it caused your accident and injury? Safety Recalls for Motorcycles Much like other motor vehicles, safety recalls for motorcycles can come from the manufacturer, or the NHTSA may instigate one.

5 August 2015

Is The Hotel At Fault For Guest Injuries?


Summer months not only bring warm weather, but more families staying in hotels while on vacation. Unfortunately, some injuries will occur. If you feel the hotel should have to foot the bill for your injuries, here is what you need to prove in your case.  Defining The Hotel's Responsibility A big part of any personal injury case is defining the responsibility of the defendant. When an injury occurs in a hotel and you plan to hold it responsible, you have to prove that the hotel had some responsibility to prevent your injury.

24 June 2015

What To Do When You Are In A Minor Car Accident That Is Not Your Fault


When a car accident occurs, there is often a person who has caused it. Whether one person causes his own accident or the accident of another driver, the determination must be made to decide why the accident happened. This requires gathering information about the accident from those involved as well as looking for other evidence to prove who is at fault. However, if no one is severely injured, the behavior of those involved can make determining the cause of the accident much easier.

17 June 2015